Papa stopped at our house last night on his way home from the car auctions and we all went fishing. The boys and I didn’t have any luck, but Dale caught a large crappie, a walleye, and Seth caught another walleye.
Of course, Jackson had to take all of the credit for the fish.

Tucker spent most of our fishing trip trying to launch himself into the water. Good thing there’s a handle on the back of his life jacket! Today, Rachel and I brought the boys to the lake for some fun in the sun.

Tucker insisted on pushing R. around. I think he was actually trying to hide behind the stroller because he was feeling a little self conscious over the sweet wetsuit he was forced to wear.

Jackson decided to go incognito. We wouldn’t want the paparazzi to catch him. All three boys must have had a good time because they were all asleep by the time we got home. If only every day were this sunny and dry!


In other news, I think we might have reached an agreement with the buyer. His realtor is being an absolute flake, but despite that I think this deal might actually go through!