Ladies, and…..Ladies……
We have a winner!
I know you have all been waiting with baited breath
Sorry that I did not post on Friday. I ran out of time before leaving for LP.
You know how much I love doing schoolwork
and that I would rather do schoolwork than this…..
After careful consideration and lots of time wasted looking at each picture, idea, and website – I have finally made my decision.
Tomorrow I will make this cake!

This cake is from the Kraft Foods Website suggested by my lovely sister Rachel which means that she is the winner of our little contest! (link listed below).

So, how does it feel to be a winner, Rachel?
Doesn’t it feel great?
I bet you’ve never felt this much satisfaction in your life!
Okay………losing it here……
Now let’s see if I can pull this off! The big day is Tuesday, so I’ll make it in the morning and pray that nothing happens to it!

5 replies on “We Have a Winner!”

  1. YAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!! As pathetic as this sounds I was so bummed because I didn’t think I would win after looking at all of Molly’s creative ideas! I AM SO EXCITED!!

  2. hahahhaa, that cake is so fantastic! 🙂 Honestly I just was looking for outrageous things, not necessarily usable ideas. Yayyyyy Rachel! 😀

    I’m excited to see your finished product Anna!

  3. How did the cake turn out?! I can’t believe Tucker is 1 already! When are you guys heading over this way? Is Seth planning to hunt around here again? Let me know, and if you can, we would love for you to stop by! And what’s your e-mail address so I can add you to our blog?

  4. Hi Angie!

    My email is [email protected]

    Seth was just out hunting in ND last week. I came out with the boys on that Wednesday to help out at the chicken supper at the Methodist church. Seth is planning to hunt out that way next week also, so maybe the boys and I will come out with him one day!

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