Monday: 5 easy miles @ 9:21
I’m trying to stay between 9:35-10:35 pace on easy days and was fine in the first mile but felt so good that I sped up without realizing it and ended up slightly faster than I intended. Accurate pacing is something that I’m still working on.
Tuesday: Off
I not only took the day off from running, but also took the day off from work and went snowshoeing with Seth at the Zimmerman Lake trail head near Cameron Pass.
It was the first time using the snowshoes that Seth gave to me for Christmas. I wanted snowshoes so badly as a kid and even tried to make my own once. I told Seth about it a while ago and he remembered and got me a pair this year. We rented a pair at Jax for Seth until he can find a good deal on a pair for himself.
The weather was cold, windy and a little gloomy in the parking lot, but once we got into the trees, it was nicer.
The hike to Zimmerman lake was a steady climb, but didn’t take as long as we thought it would and we had the trail to ourselves.
We didn’t hang out for long at the lake since we had to be back in time to pick the boys up from school, but it’s definitely on our list to go back this summer with the boys.
We could see more clouds and snow moving in as we headed back down to the parking lot.
By the time we reached the parking lot, it had started snowing and the wind had picked up.
The best part about the trip was that we got to enjoy being outside together and walked and rode to and from the trail head in near silence. Something that we don’t get to do often as our two little hooligans are usually making a ruckus in the back seat. It was magical.
I don’t remember exactly which day I saw this, but at the time, it was only 26 more days until season 10 of Trailer Park Boys is released on Netflix which means that it’s even closer today! Watching this together will also be magical for me and Seth 🙂
Wednesday: 4 easy treadmill miles @ 9:52 pace.
One of my friends from the chicken plant days posted this on Facebook and it came in handy while my sisters were group texting about selling chicken eggs.
Thursday: 5 easy miles OUTSIDE!!!! 9:47 pace
Friday: 4 easy treadmill miles @ 10:16 after work.
The boys didn’t have school and they woke up that morning so excited to go to NeNe’s house for the day. There was a lot of “Dude! We’re going to NeNe’s!”
She picks them up from school every day but they always act as though it’s been at least a year since they last saw her. They went on the hunt for a birthday present for Jackson and found another nerf gun. Those boys could never have too many……..until next year when they’re obsessed with something completely different.
Saturday: 6 easy treadmill miles @ 10:29 pace while I watched Netflix.
I cleaned the house after that (my idea of Saturday fun) and then we met the fam for a late lunch to celebrate two birthdays. Leah, Seth’s younger sister has a birthday on the 5th and Jackson’s is on the 6th. The boys were super excited to see Auntie Erin. 🙂
And their cousins.
We even had a new cousin to meet! Isn’t he sweet? He sleeps like a champ; must be the 4th baby thing.
Our server brought out special birthday desserts for Jackson and Leah. Jackson was super appreciative!
The whole family minus Seth and Dale who were both busy working for a living. Have I mentioned that they work for competing GM dealerships? Nothing like a little friendly competition. 😉
Erin and Jason sent home an early anniversary present for us that will get plenty of use in this house.
Sunday: 4 easy miles @ 9:44 pace with Ruger.
I left later than I had planned and was so worried that Jackson would wake up before I got back and have to wait for his birthday present. No worries: he was still sleeping soundly when I walked in the door and Seth not only had time to set up his new bike, but we were able to sit out on the deck and enjoy our morning coffee together. He woke up while we were outside though, and we both ended up missing him finding his present.
The best present was his morning snack which consisted of a bag of Doritos and a shared can of Mountain Dew. The boys have been begging for Mountain Dew and Doritos and Tucker was so excited while Seth was pouring it that he kept jumping up and down saying, “I can’t believe I’m going to have Mountain Dew for the first time!”We had friends over for a backyard nerf war and I was so busy that I forgot to take pictures. Leah was a champ and remembered though, so I’m sure I’ll have some pictures soon to share.
Total for Week 5: 24 miles