Week 8 (March 20-16):
Sunday: 6 easy miles @ 10:16
We drove up to RMNP for the day to try some more fishing but our fishing spots were all snowy and frozen over so we ended up hiking instead.
We lost sight of Seth at one point but assumed we’d catch up with him if he found a fishing spot. I turned around to wait for the boys to catch up to me and part of a rock next to the trail suddenly jumped out between me and Tucker. It was Seth!
He was sitting next to the trail waiting for us to catch up and groups of people walked by without even seeing him. I stopped one of the couples that must have just passed him asking if they saw anyone up ahead and they told me that they hadn’t seen anyone.
He’s in the picture below. Let me know when you find him.Monday: 6X800 (400 recovery) @ 7.7mph and 7 miles total.
Tuesday: Off
School was canceled due to snow so I stayed home with the boys for the day.
Seth gave me a bow as an early birthday present and I practiced shooting it off and on all day.
My coordination is still a work in progress. I snapped the string against my arm a couple of times which is not a good feeling! Seth has shortened the draw length since then and I have been able to avoid further injury 🙂
It was still fun so I kept shooting though.
Wednesday: 1 mile warm up, 5 mile tempo @ 8:35, .30 cool down…….all on the treadmill for a total of 6.30. Ruger has been stopping in the early part of every tempo run lately and I’ve had to stop and bring him home so I decided to just do this one inside.
Thursday: 5 easy miles at @ 9:55 on the treadmill
Friday: 6 easy miles (I ended up doing 6.25) @ 9:59
Saturday: 10 mile long run that looked like this: 4.19 outside with Ruger and 5.81 on the treadmill.
Total miles for Week 8: 40.55 miles (41 planned)
Week 9 (March 27-April 2):
Sunday: Off. 5 miles planned, but I skipped because it was Easter and I was bringing the ham!
Monday: 5x1k (400 recovery) 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down; 6.35 miles total.
Tuesday: Off
I borrowed an e-book through Hoopla called, “Nice Girls Just Don’t Get It” and have been listening to it on my way to work every day. I own another Nice Girls book by the same author and this one is even better.
Wednesday: 6 easy miles. I slept in because it was my birthday and didn’t have enough time for the 8 mile tempo run on the schedule so I switched days around.
My brother-in-law, Nic sent me this perfect meme. He understands my love for Trailer Park Boys.
Seth understands my love for nacho cheese and brought the big one home from Costco. You don’t want to know how much of it I’ve gone through already…….It’s an embarrassing amount.Thursday: 10 miles. 1 mile warmup, 8 mile tempo @ 8:45 average, 1 mile cool down. My tempo pace is supposed to be 8:35, but Ruger was having none of it and I really didn’t want to go home so we compromised.
Friday: 5 easy miles
Saturday: 2.83 miles………..instead of the 15 on the schedule. Jackson and I had an all day hunter safety class so we went to that first thing in the morning. He was the star of the show and demonstrated safe shooting techniques to the rest of us.
Waffle Lab was his lunch request. He was so excited for his Liege waffle with Nutella, bananas, strawberries and whipped cream. #so healthy
We got the 2.83 miles in on the trail near our house before it was time to pick Tucker up from spending the day with Auntie Erin.
Sunday: Off (7 miles planned, but I moved 1 mile forward to Monday and 6 to Tuesday)
Jackson and I had the shooting part of our hunter safety class bright and early at 7 am on Sunday and we both passed. Seth put me in for tags immediately which must mean that he’s excited. He’s only been asking me to take hunter safety for the last 13 years……..After our shooting test, we drove to the mountains to play.
The boys had a new slingshot to try out and we sighted in our bows.
Seth is shooting a target at the base of the fallen tree which was 70 yards away. Not as easy as he makes it look!
I need to stand MUCH closer!