A Present?

Seth gave me a present yesterday after we closed on our house.
I was really excited at first.
He said it was something that I could start using right away.
He said that I would love it.
He said that it would change my life.
I felt so bad that I didn’t get him a new house gift after he must have put so much thought into what he was giving me.
Then I saw what it was.
Me: Ummmm…Thank you?
Seth: I’m going to pull up the carpet in the bedrooms and I didn’t want you to have to pull up the tack strips with your fingers.

Cooking with Jackson

Okay, so I completely forgot to take pictures of Jackson cooking, but he really did cook. I promise. Well, it was more like bake. Snickerdoodles to be exact.
They were delicious and very easy for a 4 year old to make. Probably because he had a little outside help. His favorite ex-barista, Liesl, came over to lend a hand and even posed for a picture with him. In coordinating aprons, of course.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go eat 1 or 10 of them. I just can’t stand the thought of my boys ingesting the amounts of sugar involved with eating cookies, so I’ll have to take one for the team. It’s all for their benefit, really.