Seth gave me a present yesterday after we closed on our house.
I was really excited at first.
He said it was something that I could start using right away.
He said that I would love it.
He said that it would change my life.
I felt so bad that I didn’t get him a new house gift after he must have put so much thought into what he was giving me.
Then I saw what it was.
Me: Ummmm…Thank you?
Seth: I’m going to pull up the carpet in the bedrooms and I didn’t want you to have to pull up the tack strips with your fingers.

5 replies on “A Present?”

  1. Good job Seth. The important part is that he got you a present. Many guys have a very hard time getting their woman anything. Maybe next time he will get something you actually like.

  2. Your blog entry made me laugh. Sounds very much like the loving misconnects my hubby and I have regarding “what’s important in a gift”. I seem to get his pretty much right, iPod, iTunes cards, and trips to a camera shop to browse film and old cameras. Thanks for blogging.

    If you’d like a few giggles at other people’s interactions “down home”, you can pop in here:

    Best to you in your new place.

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