I never make New Year’s resolutions because I am way too lazy to follow through on them, so I make “unofficial” ones instead.
One of my resolutions is to run even on days when I think it’s too cold…….like today when it was -13 Fahrenheit. I mean, really, we moved from Minnesota to get away from this kind of cold. It made me feel a tiny bit better though when I checked the weather in our home town in North Dakota and saw they were at -18.
Ruger was so excited to go out that he couldn’t quite sit down but was trying his hardest to be polite as he waited for me to dress for the cold.
I bundled up in running tights, old Columbia sweat pants, fleece lined blaze orange hunting shirt hand me down from Seth, double layered Columbia winter coat, two beanies, a scarf, running gloves, snowmobile gloves and my new yak tracks that I received from Seth for Christmas.
The only thing I didn’t have was booties for poor Ruger’s feet. We made it two blocks before he started limping from the cold so we turned around and raced back home as fast as we could.
I did a 10 minute workout that I found on Pinterest instead while Ruger stuffed his face with dog food.
Tomorrow should be warmer, so here’s hoping we make it further than two blocks next time!