Hey there! We had an awesome Christmas and hope that you did too!
Here’s our family photo and a couple of the kiddos. I think they get cuter every day, but I might be biased.
I usually save my vacation and take about 1 1/2 weeks off at the end of the year and Seth was laid off of work for 2 weeks at the same time this year, so we all got to be home together for the boys’ entire school break.
We went to Seth’s younger sister’s house for Christmas Eve
and then everyone came over to our place for Christmas Day.
I made some lefse that turned I had prepped a couple days before and then was too lazy to make.
My parents came to visit after Christmas and brought the boys some boxing gloves that were literally a hit. Haha!
They were only here for one full day so we made the most of it by driving up to the mountains and tubing.
There wasn’t much snow once we got up there, but there was still plenty on the tubing hill, so it worked.
And lastly, my grandma sent a story book for the boys with a recording of her reading the book to them. It is the sweetest thing ever and by far their favorite Christmas present. Thanks Grandma!