Hey guys! Here’s what I was working on while Seth worked on the fence: Okay, so I actually worked on the deck over weekends throughout November and between work trips while Seth galivanted around the country hunting or sat on the couch watching football but, let’s be honest, I wouldn’t have let him help anyway. 😉
Our deck looked so sad that I decided to make it prettier and help it blend in with our house better. It’s so tall that it looks sort of tacked on and not attractive at all. I couldn’t fix the thin, spindly legs, but that will be a project for another day.
We let it weather naturally for the last two summers, which basically means that it was super dry and soaked up – gulped – twice as much stain as the good folks at Sherwin Williams said I would need.
The floorboards and stair treads turned out darker than I hoped for, but I love them.
The floor and treads only have one coat of stain so I need to get another one on at some point once it warms up.
I also need to decide what to do underneath the deck. The lighter trim color would look nice, but cobwebs and bird nests would be super obvious so I’m still trying to decide what to do with that.
Overall, I’m happy with how it turned out. Now I can’t wait until summer so that we can enjoy it!