Life With My Boys

I don’t have any pictures to share this time, but I do have some crazy words via Jackson and Tucker that I feel should be put out there so that the rest of the world can see what life is like with these two.

They are so entertaining/crazy that we come up with all sorts of things to call them. Our favorite nick-name for them is satchmo, but sometimes they have a different idea of what we should call them.

For instance: A few days ago Tucker was digging through a cabinet when I walked up and asked him if he was being a satchmo. His reply?

“No, I’m not a satchmo; I’m a pigmy shrew”.

What about Jackson?

He was busy peeing on the floor in his bedroom. When I asked him why he did that, he answered that he felt like it. I asked him what made him think that it was okay to do that anywhere but the toilet. He replied that he was a dog and then lifted his leg and said, “See, I pee like a dog”.

I handed him some cleaner and paper towels and made him clean it up. Just like my mom did with me the time that I peed on the bed that Tina and I shared just to find out what it felt like to wet the bed…

When I told Jackson that he should never do that again he put his hand on his hip, rolled his eyes, and said, “Whatever”.

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