The Sick Won’t Stop

I’ve been sick since New Year’s Eve. It happened suddenly and I still haven’t been able to kick it 18 days into the new year. A cupboard in my cubicle is now stocked with tissues, tea, honey, and ramen to get me through the work day and my coworkers have been (wisely) avoiding me like the plague. I’ve tried to spare them as much of my hacking and nose blowing as I can by sprinting to the restroom every 10 minutes, but it hasn’t done anything to spare me the annoyance of myself.


At one point, I decided that I must be over being sick because I’ve never been sick for this long so I did what any completely rational person would do and took the dog for a run. We made it a mile in the snow – he had a great time and I felt reasonably good so I decided that I should continue the fun on the treadmill. After all, I talked myself into signing up for the Steamboat Springs marathon again (can’t resist the 20% discount!) and after slacking off on my fitness in October and November, I was planning to use December and January to get my running base back on track.


I took it nice and slow with regular walking (coughing) breaks but only succeeded in making myself feel worse for another week.

Seth caught whatever it is that I have, so we sent the kiddos to his parents for the afternoon today and are laying on the couch drinking pepsi (I usually hate the stuff), eating ramen and grilled cheese and watching the Packers/Seahawks game. Let’s hope that does the trick!