I’m still in the midst of a candy induced Halloween coma, but wanted to share this picture of the boys going through the kiddie crawl at my work.
The shady looking guy in the picture talked them into trying out the coffin and then dropped a giant, hairy spider on them once the door was shut. Watching that coffin shake and jump around was the funniest thing ever. The boys both insisted that they weren’t scared one bit, but they hopped out pretty fast.
In other news, Seth and his friend Brent, went duck hunting yesterday and, from the looks of it, were very successful.
Good thing they brought Deacon along to retrieve the ducks. That water looks cold!
While they were hunting, I sat around the house with the boys, cleaned, ate an embarrassing amount of candy, had some honey flavored yogurt with flax seed (a surprisingly good combination given my general dislike of yogurt) and more candy.
Our plans for the rest of the weekend include helping my in-laws move and eating more candy.
Anyone else planning to eat all of their kiddos Halloween candy?
After all, it’s for their own good……

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