Tucker’s super straight, super thin hair has blossomed into a full head of curls in the past year. Both boys like having long hair, but the summer heat and the recent humidity drove Tucker to take some drastic steps to beat the heat.
I found blond curls on the floor in the boys’ bedroom a couple of days ago and it didn’t take long to find the culprit.

 Tucker had been playing outside and didn’t like the feel of sweaty hair sticking to the back of his head. He naturally decided that the best way to fix that was to cut his hair.

When I informed him that I would need to cut the rest of his hair, he freaked out and insisted that he still wanted his long hair.
We finally compromised and I left it long on top and attempted to blend the back and sides with the longer hair on top.
It’s definitely not a professional job, but it will work until the back grows out!