We pulled the carpet out of our bedroom last week and discovered that the baseboards had once been painted the same color pink as the bathroom. I think the previous owners had a thing for pink…and blue as all of the carpet upstairs is blue.

I’m loving the wood floors!
While we were doing that, Jackson played dress up in the lovely floral curtains that came with the house. I’ve been trying to pawn them off on my sister in law, Leah, but for some reason she doesn’t seem interested. I have no idea why.
Our cabinets were too low for the new fridge, so Seth adjusted them a little.
Note the blue wallpaper and the sheep on the wall. There are two wallpaper designs on the opposite wall with the sheep border separating them. Those suckers are on good too. Believe me, I’m working on removing that hideousness from my happy place.
Speaking of my happy place – here it is!
I’m trying to talk Seth into replacing that horrendous microwave with a white hood, but I think it’s pretty low on his list of priorities right now.
Before you leave, here’s a picture of my throne.
Oh yes, those dragonflies are appliqued. Nothing but the best for me!

3 replies on “More Pink?”

  1. I just can’t get over the pink toilet (with appliquéd dragonflies! ahh!). It really puts my bathroom to shame … it’s like we couldn’t quite pull it together for a win. Close but then it had to go and give up after the sink and bathtub. Your bathroom dominates!

    Oh and I WISH so hard our apt had wood floors, but it was built by Luke’s great uncle in the sixties and I’m pretty sure they would have told us that (his great aunt lives right next door to us). Pretty sure it’s concrete. Boo.

  2. Well I’m pretty sure we should have a bonfire and include: the drapes, toliet seat, the sheep wall paper and my all time favorite Chandelier!!!! Love the wood floors in your bedroom looks so nice!! I took a peek last night.

  3. Oh doesn’t that bring back memories of pulling out miles of staples and scraping wallpaper off countless walls? You are probably grateful that you have all that excelent experience 😉

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