We left our table at our house when we moved, so we needed a kitchen table and some chairs. We (Collette and I) went to Arc (a thrift store) to look for some furniture and I almost purchased a table for $30, but after two of the employees lifted some other furniture off of it, I realized it was too rickety for us. I was busy looking at a soft sided dog crate when one of the employees who had helped us approached me and said that somebody was dropping off a table that I might be interested in. It’s the table in the picture and I only paid $9.99!

I found the chairs at Goodwill and they gave me a deal for buying 4 of them. There was a 5th, but some of the leaf design was badly cracked, so it didn’t quite meet my high, high standards. I gave them a quick coat of poly and I only had to pay $5 for each chair! The best part about these chairs is that they fold! When we buy a house and need a real dining room table, I can still keep them!

I’ll be posting more furniture pictures over the next couple of days, so stay tuned!

2 replies on “First Thrift Store Finds!”

  1. Yaaaayyy!! So happy you have internet again and I am loving getting a little peak at your Colorado life! I saw the table top in the previous post and thought it looked nice and you know it makes my heart happy to hear how cheap you got it!

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