Dear Vinegar, It’s Over.

That’s right. I’ve been trying to use vinegar as a cleaner since last summer and I just can’t do it anymore! When I broke out the Pine-Sol today and started wiping down my house I couldn’t stop. I was actually looking for more things to clean. When that wasn’t enough, I went to the cleaning closet and got a brand new bottle of CLR (read about my uncontrollable cleaning supply habit here) to use on the tub and shower. Being a cleaning supply connoisseur, I know it doesn’t work nearly as well as Lime-Away in the spray bottle, but it was on sale for half price and I just couldn’t pass it up.

Then, I started to look for things to Pledge. I use Pledge in the blue bottle because I think it smells the best. Did you know that Pledge removes crayon from walls and cupboards? Yep. Works like a charm.

You know what? It might have worked! I’ve only seen a handful of ants since then and Jackson quickly took care of them. He sees one and yells, “I need a paper towel, Mama!” I give him a paper towel and he takes it from there.

Although my ants might be gone, I have a new problem. I found not one, but two mosquitoes today! What’s next? A frickin’ salamander?

Remind me to tell you my salamander story sometime.

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