Decisions, Decisions!

I’m still deciding on a theme for Tucker’s party. I will post my decision before we leave for Long Prairie. really did have some cute ideas – I was very inspired, but I was also looking at them very late at night and can’t remember what inspired me….I’ll have to go back and look again. There were several on Molly’s blog that I thought were great. Some were even greater, but might cause people to wonder what kind of a mother I am. Wait, I guess Jackson’s behavior already sets a glaring example for everything I am doing wrong!

Speaking of Jackson, he’s mad at me because I put his yogurt on the same plate that his dinner was on. There is still remnants of stromboli that happened to TOUCH his yogurt! What is the world coming to? I was just trying to save some dish washing on my part! At least he said “thanks babe” when I dished it up.