Another Busy Day

Okay, our day wasn’t that busy. The most exciting news was that Jackson decided to graduate from the Hot Wheels bike to his new John Deere bike. Grandpa and Grandma Ellefson donated to the Hillcrest fundraiser auction and were kind enough to let Seth and I bid, which is how we ended up with the bike. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!Tucker decided that he needed a change of pace from his jeep, but he didn’t have much luck with his new choice of transportation. On Thursday, we went back out to Milnor to pick up the trailer that Seth and his friend Lance had stripped down the day before. Of course, no trip to North Dakota (or anywhere) would be complete without some shooting, so Seth and Jackson brought their guns.

Seth might have been able to get some more shooting in if I had spent more time keeping the boys away from the guns instead of letting them run wild while I took pictures.

Seth and Jackson threw some clays for me, but I think I only hit three of the twenty or so that they threw…
Seth, on the other hand, throws three clays up at a time and shoots them all before they hit the ground.
In other news, we have a buyer and should be closing on July 31st, so we rented a storage unit for our belongings while we are in transition. Yesterday, we brought a load of tubs over and one of the lids blew off. Naturally, when we turned around to get it, I was the one who had to get out, climb in the trailer and try to figure out a way to keep it from flying off again. I ended up laying a chain over the top and putting each end of the chain under the tubs in front and behind the offending tub.
After that, I was a little crabby, so when the lid started to fly up again I told Seth to pull over so that I could fix it before we lost the lid again. His response: “Oh, it’ll be fine”. To which I responded (in my most crabby voice), “If that lid comes off again I’m going to make you get out and fix it”. Of course, he pulled over right away. He started to open his door (because he really is nice like that), but I thought I would show him and do it myself. I opened my door and got out trying to beat him to the trailer, but my foot got caught in the diaper bag and I fell face first landing with my hands in a patch of thistles causing me to yelp quite loudly. We were in the middle of town, so not only was Seth laughing at me, the people driving past were probably laughing at me too.
I probably shouldn’t have been so bent out of shape about getting that lid in the first place because when we loaded the tubs all I had to do was stand in the trailer while Seth carried them out of the house and when we unloaded them I stood in the trailer again and Seth carried them into the storage unit. Let’s just say, I wasn’t the one working up a sweat.

A Busy Day For Two Little Boys

Jackson and Tucker were very busy yesterday. Lately, they have been enamored with the Hot Wheels bike and the little green car, so they spent the late morning and all afternoon riding those around the driveway. I had the bright idea to lay out on the deck in my vain attempt to get a tan, but my attempts were thwarted when Seth came home from work early and pointed out that it might not be the best idea to lay out in the sun when my back is still peeling from last week’s sunburn.

So, we packed up the boys, some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and headed out to Milnor. Seth has a camper parked out on his family’s land that he has decided to strip down. I was supposed to help him tip it over and remove it from the trailer frame, but my noodle arms are most definitely not built for that kind of exertion, so he called his friend Lance and sent me and the boys to town.
We stopped at Grandpa A.’s house and he wasn’t home, Grandpa and Grandpa E. weren’t home either. I was starting to think that I might have to help with the camper after all when we spotted Grandpa A.’s Subaru parked downtown at thecafe.

The boys spent most of the time just climbing up and down the stairs at Grandpa’s house.Then, they ran across the street into the neighbor’s front yard and started throwing rocks across their lawn. Talk about embarrassing.
Grandpa has been moving furniture around and told me that he does that on Sunday’s because it gets so lonely around there on the weekends. I was starting to feel bad for him, but then Jackson turned on the answering machine and there was a message from Aunt Kathy. Grandpa called her back and then my dad called, and then Grandpa’s brother Dale called. I began to realize that when it comes to being lonely, he might have been pulling my leg.
Of course, no visit to Grandpa’s would be complete without a dish of ice cream and he had just enough left for Jackson and Tucker. He also had some candy bars that the boys were more than happy to gobble down.
Seth and Lance were able to get the camper off the trailer and I have a sneaking suspicion that some fishing also took place. The boys and I had fun with Grandpa and I’m pretty sure that he found asoulmate in Jackson. Or maybe he just likes Jackson’s middle name 🙂