We’ve packed a lot into the last two weeks, so take a deep breath and brace yourself. I’ll try to make this as painless as possible.
The day before we left for Colorado, we drove to the cities to see Tina and Baby M.
At 5 am…okay, 6am the next morning we (Seth, Collette, the boys, and I) headed out.
We eventually reached our destination only to find that our new apartment (our front door is the one with the sign and the windows on the second floor are ours) was not ready and the office had forgotten to relay that information to us.
No problem, we already had a week-long vacation planned in Steamboat Springs courtesy of Century 21!We stopped in Golden on our way so that the boys and their cousins could meet
SirTopham Hat and
The kids also got various Thomas and Friends tattoos that they were eager to show offtoeachother.
We had a great vacation and
Jackson rapidly picked up on Seth’s love of fishing.
At the end of the week we returned to our apartment and moved in before Seth had to leave for North Dakota to “work”. He says that he’s hauling sugar beets for my cousin Paul, but we all know that it’s just a thinly veiled excuse to get some duck hunting in. 🙂
On the other hand, Tucker and B are getting along swimmingly.
After looking at this picture, I discovered that I have officially become my mother. Dark hair, navy blue and white tops, an uncanny ability to reproduce…but, I digress.
On Friday, we brought auntie Erin out for her Birthday
and went pumpkin picking the next morning.
The kids rode a barrel train, went on ahayride, and then we all went to Rocky Mountain National Park for the rest of the day.
Unfortunately, Jackson got some sort of stomach bug  or altitude sickness while we were in the park and went through one pair of underwear, two pairs of pants, and a towel before I finally thought to put one of Tucker’s diapers on him in a desperate attempt to make it home.

At 5 am…okay, 6am the next morning we (Seth, Collette, the boys, and I) headed out.

We’ve been keeping busy here with trips to Rocky Mountain National Park and various thrift stores. As a side note, I cannot stand thrift stores. The only comparison of how they make me feel is to stick your finger in someone else’s ear, wiggle it around, and think about how that makes you feel. That aside, I have found some pretty sweet deals on various pieces of furniture which have sort of made it worthwhile.
I thought I’d throw this picture in for giggles. Jackson and Leah spend a lot of time like this. They just don’t see eye to eye on many things.

However, I did take the time for one last picture.
(Try to find the three lakes in the picture!)
(Try to find the three lakes in the picture!)
Now that we’ve waded through all of that, I need a breather.
As we get settled, I’ll add some pictures of our apartment and the furniture deals that I found as well as their regeneration.
Stay tuned!