Can I just say how happy I am to have some reliable internet again? It really is handy if you’re taking classes online from a school in Fargo, ND and you live in Northern Colorado.
Okay, now that I’ve got that off of my chest (um, my nonexistent chest), let’s move on to my various thrift store finds. I made the attempt to paint most of them black, but I’m pretty sure that Seth will be motivated to touch them up once he gets a closer look at my handiwork.
Let’s start with the desk.
Nice and roomy.
Finger grooves under the drawers instead of handles (translation: Jackson hasn’t figured out how to open them yet).
Price: $29.99 (My biggest splurge)
It was a horrible, classic brown stain from the 50’s (?), but the black really made it look nice.
This dresser was given to us by our friend, Steph. It was my inspiration for painting the rest of our furniture black. It, like the desk, was also stained brown, but Seth painted it black and put new drawer pulls on that look quite spiffy. I love this dresser almost as much as I love the Steve Madden purse sitting on top of it. Steph was with me when I bought that purse. Hmmm… Notice a recurring theme?

I have to admit that I do love how good that purse looks when its sitting on black furniture. Now that most of our furniture is black, it will always look spectacular wherever I throw it. Not that I ever throw my purse or anything. Never. Especially not one loaded down with a roll of quarters.
Eddy? You don’t read this do you?

Price: $9.99

This bookcase was obviously homemade, but at $9.99 it cost less than the wood used to build it. The corners were even sanded! Alas, there are three shelves and only enough pegs to hold one shelf. I have only tried Lowe’s so far and could not find the right size, but someone in these here parts has got to have something that will work! I am determined to unpack my books! After 6 years and 8 months, they deserve a bookcase, dang it!

I did not even notice this last piece and even after Collette pointed it out, I still wasn’t quite sure if I liked it or not. Besides, it weighed a ton! Now that its painted and in my living room I like it a lot. Not only is it kind of unique, Jackson and Tucker have no idea how to slide the doors back to get to the DVD’s and Wii games! We used gun locks on our previous TV cabinet to keep them out. Once Seth comes home, I’ll convince him that he should drill holes in the back for the DVD player and cable box cords so that they can go in there too.
There was a Drexel stamp on the drawers and something printed on the back (that I painted over, oops! heehee!), so Collette and I tried to find some information online about the company. We had noticed an outline of some sort of frame on the bottom. Turns out, it actually had legs at one time. Some pieces had wooden legs and others had brass. I found one that was repainted white with brass legs and 6 drawers on eBay for just under $5,000. I didn’t find an exact match to ours which has 6 drawers hidden behind sliding wooden doors that disappear inside as they are opened. Our best guess is that it was made sometime between 1955 and 1960 and we’re going to leave it at that. Besides, who really cares?
Price: $19.99