Happy Birthday Tucker!

Tucker turned 2 last week. You heard me. Last week.

Don’t ask me what took me so long to blog about it, because I have no idea.
Tucker got to open some presents and eat some chocolate cake. Okay, I ate most

of it, but he shouldn’t have all of that chocolate anyway! Did you see the size of that thing? There’s no way he could have eaten it by himself anyway.

For a variety of circumstances, I did not make Tucker a cake this year or even have the Thomas themed birthday party that I had planned.
Honestly, he didn’t even notice.
Good thing because, now I can save the Thomas plates and party favors for Jackson’s birthday in March!


Cooking With Jackson

Last week Jackson decided to share his love of cooking with his cousin. Because Jackson didn’t want to put a lot of pressure on her by showing off his mad cooking skilz we decided to start with a simple mandarin orange soup.
They put on their coordinating aprons and proceeded to the first part of the lesson.
Turns out, C. already knows her way around a kitchen.
(Yes, I realize that Jackson’s hair is not combed. He never holds still long enough for me to comb his hair, much less even see that it needs combing. All I see when he runs past is a yellow blur. Besides, his messy hair is a minor issue compared to what he’s up to most of time.)

Anyway, they had a great time and made a very good soup that they promptly devoured.
Next time I think they’ll try that chocolate souffle that I promised about a year ago.