It’s difficult for a 3 year old (at least my 3 year old) to understand that someone else is in charge of the decision making for them. Both Jackson and Tucker have been a little crazier than usual as they adjust to the move and the fact that they cannot see their beloved uncle, Abu (my brother David) whenever they want to.
But back to the “in charge” thing. A few days ago Seth asked Jackson to eat his supper. Jackson refused and was sent to a time out. When Seth let him out a few minutes later their conversation went something like this:
Seth: Jackson, you need to eat your food. Do you know why?
Jackson: No.
Seth: Because I’m the boss.
Jackson (over his shoulder as he ran away): No, I’m the boss.
Tonight at supper the same scene was about to play out again when Seth and Jackson started to discuss who the boss was.
Seth: Jackson, I’m the boss.
Jackson: No, Abu’s the boss.