I know you’re on the edge of your seats wondering how the christmas card episode ended, so I’m here to enlighten you. When I wrote the previous post, the boys were in pj’s and this is what the living room looked like.

I know you’re on the edge of your seats wondering how the christmas card episode ended, so I’m here to enlighten you. When I wrote the previous post, the boys were in pj’s and this is what the living room looked like.
I used to have two user accounts on my computer for no apparent reason. I’m not really sure why so I merged them late this summer right before my computer crashed. Unfortunately, my address book didn’t make it. I was using Windows Contacts and now I cannot find a single address. Apparently, Windows Contacts does not believe in mergers. I’m pretty sure that most people that we know do not have our new address, so I can’t fudge it by waiting for them to send a Christmas card so that I have their address. I have tried to look for the addresses, but no luck. I am obviously devastated because it is the one area of my life where I was organized and now it’s gone. My sister, Tina sent me her address book, but I have a sneaking suspicion that my cousin Casey does not live in Alaska anymore. It would be a little bit of a commute to the Minneapolis airport every day. My mother-in-law offered to read all of her addresses for Seth’s side of the family over the phone to me, but do you think I’ve called her?
It’s called laziness and procrastination, people.
Which brings me to my other point. Last year I didn’t have any money or ambition to send out Christmas cards so, even though I had a very organized address book, I stuck a picture up here and then emailed everyone. Classy.
That made me feel like a loser, so I bought Christmas cards on clearance after the holidays last year with the intention of sending them out this year, but I don’t have any money for stamps and pictures and I haven’t taken any decent pictures of the boys lately that could work for a card. I do have a handful of pictures that we had taken of the boys this summer, but I only have enough for our immediate family. I was going to go ahead with it anyway, but here I am: it’s the week before Christmas, I should be working on my finals, I haven’t done any baking or decorating, and I am surrounded by dirty clothes, clean clothes, dirty dishes, clean dishes, broken furniture, and snotty little boys who are trying their darndest to break the windows.
I have until the end of the week to update all of the gas tank records for 2009 at work (for some reason, they haven’t been updated since August of 2007) and I have only been able to finish through April. Not that there’s any pressure to get it done. Just the $5,000 a day that my employer will get fined for every day the log is late getting to the state. Seth started his job on Monday, so I haven’t been able to stay late at work to finish it and the time that I am at work has been spent on fixing problems from last week coupled with new problems every day. They’re not difficult, they’re just time consuming and there is no reason that most of them should have happened. Do you ever have a dream where you’re running, but no matter how hard you try you’re running in slow motion? That’s what this week feels like.
I don’t think Seth has to work tomorrow, so I should be able to stay late and get the logs finished so that I can send them out on Saturday. But, staying late means that I will not be able to print off Christmas pictures, address cards, or finish up my last day of classes before Christmas break.
Okay, now that I’ve written all of that, I feel like a complete loser. If this is all I have to worry about, I think I can handle it.
Here’s my new plan: I’m going to dress the boys up quickly, search for some batteries for my camera, take a picture of them, address as many cards as possible tonight, write two papers, respond to 2 discussion posts in each class, go into work at 7 instead of 7:30, finish those darn gas logs, go home, pack up the kids and head to Wal-Mart or King Soopers to print off some cards, stand in line waiting for 2 hours, print off the cards, go home, realize that I forgot to buy stamps, go back to King Soopers, buy stamps, go home, send the cards, and go to bed.
Wish me luck!
Thanks for stopping by, and if you would like a Christmas card, or our new address, send me a message on facebook or email me and please, please, please, give me your address!