Flour Kings

Jackson and Tucker love to bake. No question about it. I made cookies last night and contemplated doing another Cooking with Jackson post, but was too lazy to take any pictures and Tucker kept slamming a chair down on my bare feet.
The boys did try to do a little baking on their own last week, but it didn’t work out as well as they thought it would. As a disclaimer, this particular episode happened while Seth was watching the boys.
He should have talked them into pretending to be mimes. But, he decided to do the responsible thing which was to clean up the mess before I got home and freaked out.
On a side note, Jackson’s birthday is coming up and we’re going to spend it at Bass Pro (his favorite store) where they will be having a children’s fishing pond. Seth also insisted that Jackson should have a Red Ryder BB gun. After all, he is turning 4. Any small boy worth his salt should have a gun by the age of 4. It’s going to rock his world.
It will not rock mine.
What if I get shot? Pike has a BB lodged under his skin thanks to a crabby neighbor; maybe we can match.

Where Are They Learning These Things?

Today, I was waiting outside the DMV with the boys. Seth did not change his residency until a few weeks ago as he was in North Dakota working most of this fall. The Jimmy is in his name, so we waited to do anything with the licensing until he was back for good.
I stayed outside to play DJ for the boys. In case you were wondering, they requested: Leonard Cohen, Beastie Boys, Amy Winehouse, and Pixies. Interesting combination. The Beastie Boys and Amy Winehouse didn’t pan out.
While we were sitting in the car a police officer walked by our open window -at the same moment that Tucker started screaming, “Stinky! Stinky!”
Wanting to escape, I took the boys for a walk around the building. They were playing a cute little game of tag when a middle-aged woman approached on her way to the front door. As she passed them, smiling at the sight of their angelic little faces, they looked up, pointed at her and, in unison, shouted, “Boobies! Boobies!”