Why I Hate Carpet

Remember how the boys spilled nearly an entire bottle of flocking on the carpet and bedspread in our room while I was washing windows in the living room?

Well, I was going to post a picture of my cleanup job, but our severe separation anxiety suffering dog, Pike, had another little job that he thought you might enjoy more.
At least he only got Seth’s side of the dresser.
And the white bathroom rug. And the the cabinet. And the door.
While I cleaned it up, the boys stole my camera and broke out their squirt guns in an attempt to film their own action shots.
When I finished picking up all of the poo and soaking the carpet with cleaner, Tucker ran past yelling, “Mommy! I did poop chicken!”
Poop sucks.

Thank You Greenhead Gear

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to thank Greenhead Gear for not putting a childproof cap on their bottles of FFD Elite Black Flocking.

We would also like to thank Anna’s husband for using their bedroom as a storage room for all things related to hunting;
Hoover, for creating a magnificent vacuum;
and Anna for cleaning up any mess that may have been caused to carpet and bedding by said Greenhead Gear product while she was washing windows in the other room.
The identity of the perpetrators will remain nameless to protect them from the wrath of their mother.