Jackson and His Writing Skilz

Jackson started preschool this year and I, for various reasons that I am not going to get into on this blog, was a little apprehensive about it. Suffice to say that, as his mom, I know that he is completely capable of learning anything, I was just afraid that a classroom setting would not be good for him.

I guess I didn’t need to worry because the other night while I was reading the boys their bedtime story, Jackson drew this:

Okay, it’s barely legible and the “son” is underneath a pretty funky looking “c” and “k”, but overall, I think it’s pretty impressive that he already knows how to spell his name. He also shocked me even more by spelling Tucker’s name afterwards!

Of course, in typical Jackson fashion, he was pretty impressed with himself too!


Jackson and Tucker love their uncle, David aka “Abu”. The week that he stayed with us earlier this month was a full of fun and goofing off for the boys. David has a magical way of getting Jackson to listen. The only thing he can’t get Jackson to do is sit still for a picture.

Okay, not that sitting still made for a better picture of David and Tucker. Don’t ask because I have no idea what they are doing.

Okay, at least I know what’s going on in this picture. And those nasty floral curtains in the background? They are gone forever! As in: I threw them away and put up a set of brown curtains from my mother-in-law. The new curtains are not quite long enough, but they work for now and are so much nicer to look at than the old ones.

But, enough about me – back to the boys.

David helped Jackson set up his Thomas trains and tracks in the living room one day – I think Jackson was a little worn out by the process. You see, David is much more methodical and careful about things than Jackson, who would rather do something as fast as possible.

So ladies, if you’re looking for someone who is thoughtful, gracious, a gentleman, sweet, kind, does housework and is excellent with kids (my sisters and I call him either Slave Dave or Manny) then look no further.

But be warned: I am forcing him to go to college here in Colorado, so he will be very busy spending time with his favorite sister and nephews!