Fourth of July Weekend

Seth’s parents drove out for the Fourth of July and we all rented a cabin in Twin Lakes with Erin, Tim, and Leah.
We decided to hike to a trail that led to a great view of the lakes. Seth drove as far as he could and we walked the rest of the way. It was a pretty tame hike, but at almost 11,000 feet, we were all breathing pretty hard.

Jackson and Tucker found a little “waterfall” and were very excited about it.

Auntie forgot her inhaler and Jackson wasn’t interesting in hiking, so they went back to the Jeep while Seth, Tucker and I continued on.

The whole way up Tucker kept saying that he was a “super fast mountain climber”!

He made it to the top and had a snack while we rested.

That night, we roasted marshmallows and made s’mores with the girls.

The next day we drove over Independence Pass to Aspen and stopped for some pictures.

Next up: Our new family member


It’s been a while and I know my dear readers are just dying to know what we’ve been up to, so take a deep breath and let’s get this over with.

I transferred jobs in June from Sales Programs to Internal Audit and Seth quit work to stay home with the boys this summer and go to school in the fall.

Jackson played soccer and we all hated it. Group sports are definitely not his thing.

We hike with the boys as much as we can…

My parents flew out to visit for a day

Have I mentioned that we eat supper with our neighbors nearly every night? Well, we do and it is the best set up ever!

We went camping with our neighbors and another couple the weekend after my parents visited and the boys got to do some fishing. They caught a little brook trout and were, of course, ecstatic.

We can’t seem to get away from the wildlife around here.

I didn’t realize there was a buffalo ranch up by Cameron Pass.

More wildlife…

This ram charged at Seth right after he took this picture.

The boys have been playing it safe by only pursuing wildlife in statue form.

Oh, before I forget, Tucker fell from the front steps onto the driveway and lost a tooth. Well, he didn’t exactly lose it…he pulled it out after he fell on it.

His lips swelled up big enough to give the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills lip envy.

Fortunately, the other 5 teeth that were knocked loose in the fall seem to be doing fine and the dentist thinks he will be able to keep them.

Although it isn’t exactly accurate, we’ve taken to calling him “Snaggletooth”.

Well, that’s some of what we’ve been up to.

Next: Fourth of July and a new family member!