Sooooo…..Seth and I will have been married for 9 years on March 15th. That’s the Ides of March if anyone cares, and my Grandpa E.’s birthday.
Through the past 9 years, I have been hanging on to my wedding dress. I’ve brought it along on our various moves – even across the country. It has been sitting in its keepsake box, packed inside another box, and stuffed in the back of a closet this entire time.
I did break out the veil to borrow to my sister, Tina for her wedding, but that’s pretty much the extent of any use this bridal getup is going to get.
I’m not sure why I’ve held on to it this long since I’m not a very sentimental person and I really, really, really dislike keeping anything around that has outlived its purpose. Kind of like the wall that I faced while taking this picture. It has outlived its useful purpose and we’ll be getting rid of that next week. More on the wall later.
I pulled the gown and its box out of the office closet a few weeks ago when we were doing some rearranging and decided now was the time to let go of it and send it off to someone who can use it and then do whatever they wish with it – as long as it doesn’t end up stuffed in the back of one of my closets!
So, I laid it out on the kitchen table a few nights ago, took some pictures, and posted it here on Craigslist.
It’s a little wrinkled from being folded up in a box for so long, but it still looks great otherwise and I would be more than happy to take an offer on it.
If you know of anyone who may be looking for a wedding dress, send them my way – I can get them all set up! I think I even have the white flip flops that I wore with it. Yes, I wore flip flops with my wedding dress (because it was too short). I can’t help that I’m 5′ 10″ and the lady who altered the dress took in the straps instead of the boobie area like she should have!