Easy Run

Miles: 3 easy miles

Time: 30 Minutes
Today’s plan: 3 easy miles
The ice is finally gone and I slept in a little this morning so the sun started coming up toward the end of my run. It was a nice change from running in the dark and it made me feel as though summer is just around the corner. It’s not, but I still would love to think so!

A Mid Winters Tweet

Last night I went to a paint and sip event with a few girls from work. We had never been, but had a half off deal and heard from several people that they were a lot of fun so we all signed up for the painting titled, “A Mid Winters Tweet”.
We started out with a blank canvas, a palette of paint, three brushes and a glass of water. Believe me when I say it was extremely difficult to keep from drinking that water!
The instructor started by showing us how to create the background and then letting us paint on our own. Having never taken an art class, I was a little nervous, but this was so much easier than I had anticipated. No wonder so many people took art in high school.
While we waited for the base coat to dry, we sipped on our drinks. Man, that water was good.
Once we finished our trees
we added branches and birds and that was it. It took about two hours but it definitely seemed to go fast!
I unintentionally photo bombed both pictures that these poor ladies were in.
That’s me to the far right.
There’s me in the back, just chilling with my phone…..
It was amazing how similar every one’s pictures turned out and it actually made me feel as though I could go all Bob Ross. Before you know it, our house might be covered in homemade artwork!
It was so nice to have a night out with these girls – they are a lot of fun! I honestly have no idea how long it has been since the last time I was able to be out with some girlfriends sans the men and kiddos!
Miles: 8
Time: 1:14 hours
Today’s plan: 8 miles
Ruger came with me running, but I think he would have been happy to stop at 6 miles. There were a lot of people riding bike, a few runners, and one totally creepy guy wearing all black. I ran past him as fast as I could.
Rest day