Happy Birthday Old Man!

Sethy turned 30 today!
He’s the best husband and daddy this girl could ask for.
He’s pretty much the bomb.
Most of his birthdays have been pretty craptacular. Craptacular to the point of us declaring that we would never celebrate his birthday on his birthday after his 29th last year. There was the time I was in the hospital having preterm labor with Jackson, the year we didn’t have enough money for a present for him, the year I had strep throat, etc, etc.
We did end up celebrating this year and were pleasantly surprised with how nice it was. Seth went to a friend’s cabin on Friday, came back the next day and we went to dinner with friends, then to dinner with his family today. The only thing that didn’t turn out was my attempt at making chocolate chip cookies for him, the easiest thing ever. I somehow managed to completely ruin them. But if that’s the worst thing to happen, I would declare Seth’s 30th birthday a success!
Miles: 10
Time: 1:34
Pace: 9:25 min/mile with a strong finish for the last 15 minutes (mile 9: 8:32 mile 10: 7:48)
Plan: 10 miles with a strong finish last 15 minutes
Ruger was acting a little tired toward the end of our 8 miler last week, so I was worried that he would tire out on this one, but he decided to break his usual good leash habits and pulled me the entire 10 miles. Even when I sped up in the last 15 minutes, he still ran out ahead of me and didn’t want to stop when we were done. Of course, he was dead to the world as soon as we got home and slept like a log for the next 15 hours.
Rest Day
Ruger tried to get me out for a run today, but when he realized it wasn’t going to happen, he settled into a corner of the couch and happily slept the rest of the day away.

Super Boring Post

This is going to be a super boring post. Seriously, spare yourself and stop reading now.

Miles: 4
Time: 35 Minutes
Today’s Plan: Easy 4 miles

That’s all I have. I didn’t push myself at all today so was pleasantly surprised with my pace. Especially, as I was happy to average under 10 min/mile only a year ago.
Now, back to snuggling my boys on the couch and watching Ninjago.