Slowest Tempo Evvvveeeeerrrr

After my warm up today, I was supposed to do three sets of running hard for 1 minute followed by a .5 mile recovery between each set and then a 1 mile cool down.
It was quite possibly the slowest tempo run ever. The saddest part was that I felt as though I was running really, really, fast when I was actually creeping along at a snail’s pace. Running in the dark on pure ice does that to a person….
To make up for my slowness, I promptly went on Pinterest when I got home and found a few additional exercises.
As for yesterday, there was no 5 miler in an attempt to make up for the missed one on Tuesday for me. Instead, I did some Tae Bo and a few other exercises.
20 Min. Tae Bo
2 sets of 8 Tricep dips
10 Push ups
1minute plank
Miles: 3.45
Time: 34 Minutes
Pace: 10:04 min/mile
Today’s plan: 1 mile WU; T: 3×1/.5 mile recovery; 1 mile CD
What I did: 1 mile warm up, T: 3×1 with a .5 mile recovery after each (hey, if I’m not actually working on speed, at least I’m getting miles in); 1 mile cool down, and a Pinterest workout (see below).

Off Day

Today just felt like an off day. Nothing went right and I can’t wait for it to be over. As my mom always says, “things will look better in the morning”. Hopefully it works out that way because if not, I might go looney toons!

Miles: 0 
Today’s Plan: 5 easy miles
What I did: It snowed last night and there was so much this morning that I didn’t even attempt to run the 5 miles that my training plan called for. Tomorrow is supposed to be either a rest or cross train day so I’m trying to decide if I should do Tae Bo or run instead. The streets in town were really icy this evening and about 50% of the sidewalks were clear so I might just skip running in the dark tomorrow morning and stick with Tae Bo. At least it will be cardio.

Time to send the boys off to bed and hopefully regain some of my sanity!