Fall Camping

Every year, we tell make grand plans to go camping every weekend, but never seem to follow through and end up camping only a few times.
This was another one of those years. So, last weekend we packed the kids and the dog up and drove into the mountains for what was probably our last chance at camping in decent weather.
Ruger was really excited, but he tried to play it cool.
We went to a spot that Seth has hunted at (shocking, I know) and the kids and dog had a blast running wild without my constant hovering. Well, there was still hovering but, like Ruger, I tried to play it cool and let them be kids.
I even let them have mini donuts and pop. They really thought they were living it up.
We found a little island in the stream near our camping spot which really helped to burn off some of the kids’ energy. They crossed logs, jumped off “cliffs” and dug holes with sticks.
Ruger ran and ran and ran. He went back and forth between us and Seth who was busy fishing for supper. He didn’t want to run with me for two days after our trip which should tell you how sore he must have been. Ruger turning down a run is about as likely to happen as me winning a million dollars.
I packed hot dogs just in case the fish didn’t make an appearance, but Seth caught plenty. Jackson ended up not only eating the fish, but also 5 hot dogs! At only 8 years old, I’m getting a little nervous for his teen years – how much do teenagers eat?
On the way home the next day, we stopped to let Seth and Ruger hunt grouse…….it ended up just being a nice hike and there were no grouse to be found. I can’t believe that the boys are already big enough to go on a hike without getting too tired or needing to be held. This growing up thing is happening way too fast!

Minnesota Cousins

My sister Rachel and her family came to visit over the 4th of July and, while I sadly didn’t end up with any pictures of the two of us, I did remember to take a few of the cousins enjoying time together.
After their long car ride from Minnesota, we took it easy the first day with a trip to a splash pad.
The next day we went to the Denver Zoo and the Children’s Museum.
Angelina Jolie’s leg even made an appearance in the bubble room.
The van rides with these crazy little boys were something else. Note that only my boys are being obnoxious and I’ll just leave it at that.
This little guy has my heart. I tried so hard to talk him into staying with me instead of going home.
Tucker and Remy bonded over a little pre-bike ride massage. Tucker decided that he was afraid to ride his bike so Seth and I sent everyone else on ahead. By the time Seth convinced Tucker that he was actually an excellent bike rider, it was time to turn around and go back.

We all had so much fun together and the few days they were here flew way too fast. The next time we’ll see them is in October for my youngest brother’s wedding in Boise and I can hardly wait!