Okay, I know it’s Monday, but I was so excited to share pictures of the deck that I forgot to tell you about my Saturday run.
I ended up splitting it between outside with Ruger and the treadmill.
My plan was to run for around 50 minutes and not worry about how I split it up. I started outside with Ruger and ended in front of my house at 3.7 miles. You can see on my watch that my average pace was 10:26/mile.
I tried to keep it nice and easy and wanted to stay in the 10’s but you can see that didn’t quite happen.
Ruger thought this stump was a rabbit on our run and then was mad when I tried to take a picture of him next to his mistake.
My watch will track distance on the treadmill using cadence if I turn the gps off in the settings which is a cool feature. I’ve used my watch enough that the cadence is fairly accurate.
For runs under 90 minutes, I don’t usually eat ahead of time. I’ll have coffee before and a smoothie after. Next time I make one I’ll show you what I usually put in them.
This week I’m in Chicago with a colleague for training on a data analytics software that we use at work, so no smoothies. Also, the fitness center is in a creepy basement so I’m doing tabata workouts in my room instead of running.
Lunch was at Berghoff’s
where I had a giant Cobb salad. I’m on what Seth is referring to as a “vegetarian kick” so I asked to keep the chicken off but – oops – I “accidentally” still got the bacon. Shhhh!
The salad looks disgusting but it was actually delicious. I inhaled it.
Supper was mules and sushi at Union.
A trusted friend recommended Union so I brought my appetite and tried the black rice sushi roll sampler. It was amazeballs. Oops, three of the rolls were not vegetarian. Meat Monday, anyone?