Decisions, Decisions!

I’m still deciding on a theme for Tucker’s party. I will post my decision before we leave for Long Prairie. really did have some cute ideas – I was very inspired, but I was also looking at them very late at night and can’t remember what inspired me….I’ll have to go back and look again. There were several on Molly’s blog that I thought were great. Some were even greater, but might cause people to wonder what kind of a mother I am. Wait, I guess Jackson’s behavior already sets a glaring example for everything I am doing wrong!

Speaking of Jackson, he’s mad at me because I put his yogurt on the same plate that his dinner was on. There is still remnants of stromboli that happened to TOUCH his yogurt! What is the world coming to? I was just trying to save some dish washing on my part! At least he said “thanks babe” when I dished it up.

What kind of child am I raising?

I brought Jackson to the library yesterday for story hour. On our way in an elderly lady held the door open for him. As Jackson ran past her, he shouted, “Thanks Babe!” I know; he’s the poster child for respecting elders.

This morning, my friend Krista and I went to the mall to “exercise”. Jackson and Krista’s son Gentry were playing by the children’s rides. There is also a giant candy cart at that end of the mall. I bet you can see where this is going.

I was busily digging through a pile of clearance scarves when something made me look up. I realized that the candy cart had moved! Not only moved, but was still moving and rapidly rounding the corner of a bench as it headed towards all of the unsuspecting shoppers in front of Herberger’s (the only store still open in our mall). I was trying so hard not to laugh that I didn’t do a very effective job of conveying to Jackson how serious his offense was. Needless to say, we made a hasty exit past the disapproving glares of the 80 year olds sitting at Hamburger Hamlet. Seriously, you would think they could lock the wheels on those carts or something! I can’t believe that Jackson was strong enough to push it in the first place. What kind of kid am I raising?