Jackson tried his hand at baking last week! We started with a very simple recipe for peanut butter cookies. Check out the apron from my mom! He picked the blue one and I wore the pink one.

Of course, we had to taste the peanut butter!

Jackson did such a good job watching the mixer! He was so serious about making those cookies!

I showed Jackson how to scoop the doughonto the cookie sheet and he took it from there.
Tucker was so interested in everything. I think he felt a little left out. Jackson, on the other hand, was busy making wierd faces….

The finished product!

First taste……Is it a winner?

Again, Jackson makingwierd faces and Tucker feeling left out. He wanted to have a taste so bad!

Jackson finally took pity on him and shared a piece. The cookies were a hit with both boys!

At least my kids were being good this time. The cashier was amazing! She had Jackson help her scan every item!