Jackson tried his hand at baking last week! We started with a very simple recipe for peanut butter cookies. Check out the apron from my mom! He picked the blue one and I wore the pink one.
First, we put aluminum foil on the cookie sheets (cuz I don’t have a dishwasher and hate washing those stupid things).
Then we putall of the ingredients in the bowl: One egg, 1 cup peanut butter, and 1 cup sugar (I used part white and part brown).
Of course, we had to taste the peanut butter!
Jackson did such a good job watching the mixer! He was so serious about making those cookies!
I showed Jackson how to scoop the doughonto the cookie sheet and he took it from there.
The finished product!
First taste……Is it a winner?
Again, Jackson makingwierd faces and Tucker feeling left out. He wanted to have a taste so bad!
Jackson finally took pity on him and shared a piece. The cookies were a hit with both boys!
Then we putall of the ingredients in the bowl: One egg, 1 cup peanut butter, and 1 cup sugar (I used part white and part brown).
Of course, we had to taste the peanut butter!
Jackson did such a good job watching the mixer! He was so serious about making those cookies!
I showed Jackson how to scoop the doughonto the cookie sheet and he took it from there.
Tucker was so interested in everything. I think he felt a little left out. Jackson, on the other hand, was busy making wierd faces….
The finished product!
First taste……Is it a winner?
Again, Jackson makingwierd faces and Tucker feeling left out. He wanted to have a taste so bad!
Jackson finally took pity on him and shared a piece. The cookies were a hit with both boys!
As a side note, I went to the grocery store today and who should I see as I walk in the door, but GROCERY STORE GUY!!! Then, when I got to the checkouts, who was bagging? You guessed it! Grocery Store Guy. But, I got the best of him this time – the cashier made him unload my cart. That sure showed him……
At least my kids were being good this time. The cashier was amazing! She had Jackson help her scan every item!