Last Saturday, after the best hair-cutting experience of my life,the boys and I drove to the airport and picked up…… My dad! He flew out to drive his new convertible back to North Dakota.
The roads were a little icy in our neighborhood, but he was able to take it out for a spin before spending the afternoon with me and the boys. He played Nerf war with the boys and they were surprised at how good he was. Possibly a little scared too when he told them that his brothers played a version that involved 20 gauge shotguns.
After Seth got home from work, we brought the boys out for their first Hibachi experience.
Tucker saw flames at the grill across from us, so he grabbed my sunglasses to be ready for our turn.
They loved having food and eggshells thrown at them.
I think the shades were a good move. There was a lot of fire!
Dad and I headed out for a run the next morning before he left for home
We ended up going further and a little slower than we originally planned, but it was fun to spend some time with my dad. We plotted and planned for the Wild West Relay this summer. Both of my sisters and one of my brother-in-laws are going to run it with us and I’m super excited to share my favorite parts of Colorado with my family!
Totally unrelated to anything, but I am beyond obsessed with these cheese crisps from Costco. As in: Cannot.Stop.Eating.
This morning was a super easy 3 miles outside with Ruger. Can you believe that he’s already getting gray around his nose? Laying on the couch all day must be more stressful than I thought ;).
We ended up walking a lot because of the amount of ice on the streets and sidewalks. The cold weather is nice for running, but spring and summer cannot come fast enough!
And, finally, a fun little package arrived in the mail yesterday and I can’t wait to show you what’s inside! Stay tuned!
Planks and Bookworms
I’m still working through the Ultimate Treadmill workouts but I slept in yesterday and only ran the first segment of three that were scheduled so I finished the remaining two this morning. It was a progressive run where each set of intervals was 30, 60, and 90 seconds with each interval set faster than the last. The final interval set added in a 3% incline. By the last 90 seconds I was ready to be done!
My speeds were 8, 8.5, and 9 mph (add 3% incline) with 1 minute rest breaks at 3 mph between each interval and a cool down at 6 mph to round out to 3 miles.
1 minute plank because I’m going to Pilates tomorrow morning and don’t want to be too sore to complete the moves. That sounded so douchey. I’m sorry.
I thought I’d show you my standard weekday breakfast. That’s almond milk behind the chia seeds. Sometimes I have fresh fruit or honey or protein powder but these ingredients are pretty much always in the rotation. Jackson loves it too so I make two to go cups and he has his for breakfast before school.
Speaking of Jackson, he has turned into a total bookworm. Big Nate, Captain Underpants, and Fart Squad are his current favorites but his tastes have been ranging from those to historical books about the Colorado gold rush. One extreme to the other.
Anywho, that’s all I’ve got for you now. I’m going to put my kiddos to bed and enjoy a nice, cold adult beverage. Sometimes you just need to treat yourself! 😉