Scrapbooking – Kill Me Now

I love looking at scrapbooks. I hate scrapbooking.

I can just hear my mom saying, “Hate is a strong word, Anna”. Well, in this case it’s not a strong dislike, it’s full on hate with a capital H. How can I explain this? Hmmmm. Let’s just say that I would rather have another SARP (Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion) than attempt to come up with a creative collage of stickers, ribbons, paper, and pictures. Just the thought of it causes me to break into a cold sweat, feel nauseous, and start shaking. I tried to go into Hobby Lobby a few months ago looking for lollipop sticks for some cake pops that I was going to make and I had to leave. I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t even go close to the scrapbooks!

When Seth and I got married, one of our gifts was a Creative Memories wedding album. After we had been married well over a year, I decided that I should probably put some of our wedding pictures in it. The first page started out all right, and the rest of the book descended into a hazy, nauseous, blur. In the end, I was surrounded by little scraps of picture corners and stickers while the pictures that actually made it into the album were lopsided, out of order, and already falling off the pages. I gave my corner cutter thing to either my mom or my sister-in-law (I can’t remember) and decided that I would NEVER, EVER, touch another scrapbook.

Fast forward a few years to the birth of Jackson and I am suddenly attacked from all sides by people wondering if I have started a scrapbook for him. Whaaaat? I take pictures, but I don’t document anything, don’t fill out baby’s 1st year calendars, or do anything else remotely related to that sort of thing. Later I always wish that I had, but in the moment I would rather have another SARP. I still have one of the calenders that was meant for Jackson. I didn’t even fill it out for Tucker. Maybe I can regift it…

Leah, my sister-in-law, finally took pity on me and offered to help me out. All I had to do was provide a book, some stickers, and some pictures. Hallelujah! This went on for about a year, then disaster struck! Tim and Leah moved to Colorado! What was I going to do? I was almost ready to pop out baby number two! Leah was also ready to do the same, so she would now have two children of her own to scrapbook for. But, angel that she is, Leah offered to do scrapbooks for BOTH of my boys! This time I didn’t even have to pick out the book or stickers. I just sent some money and pictures and Collette, my mother-in-law, brought Jackson’s scrapbook to Colorado with her and bought a book and stickers for Tucker when she got there.

Leah came to visit this summer and brought the scrapbooks with her. She had gone to so much time and effort to make those for the boys! She had even filled Jackson’s second book and started pages for a third! The scrapbooks sat in my office for a few months, until this week when the unimaginable happened!

I actually wanted to scrapbook!

Unfortunately, I have not printed off any pictures since about March, so I have been spending the last few days going through the pictures on my computer and agonizing over which ones to put in books and which ones would end up being overkill. I’m not looking forward to how much printing all of those pictures is going to cost, but I am actually really excited to start putting them in the books. I’m even excited to use the stickers and pick out new books for the boys! Maybe it’s because I don’t have any school this week, but I really want to scrapbook!

When school starts up again I might not be so excited about it, but right now I’m on a roll! I might even make a trip down the scrapbooking aisle at Target or, gasp, even make a trip to Hobby Lobby.

Right now anything is possible!