The boys and I go to the library every Tuesday for story time. How they behave while there is a story for another day. Not that they behave any better at home, but at least I’m the only one who sees them. Anyway, we borrowed some books and I made the mistake of reading “If you give a moose a muffin” to Jackson at nap time. He immediately decided that he needed a muffin. Not only one muffin, but two.
So we put on our aprons.

Jackson climbed up on his “stool”.
Notice the dishwasher! I’ll be even more excited when it’s actually hooked up.

I, um, Jackson was in the mood for something with streusel, so we made a coffee cake recipe and poured it into muffin tins. First, Jackson sifted the dry ingredients. We wouldn’t want anyone to get a mouthful of baking powder.

Next, he added the milk.

Then, he gave it all a good stir.

I forgot to take a picture of the batter in the tins, but I’m sure you can imagine what it looked like.
Here’s Jackson making the streusel. If I had thought I would have only filled the tins halfway, put some streusel in the middle, poured the remaining batter over that and then sprinkled streusel on the top. Pah. Who cares.

What’s this? Jackson even washed the dishes. Take that G. and R! In case you’re wondering, Jackson has inspired my sisters’ children to cook, but they simply do not have the endurance that he does.

He really made sure that pastry cutter was clean.

Now that I know Jackson can wash dishes, I think he’s got a new job. I remember folding clothes as a kid in the basement when we lived in North Dakota and swearing that I was going to have dozens of children just so that they could be my little slaves. My sisters and I thought that the reason we were “forced” to help out around the house was so that our mom wouldn’t have to do anything. I guess we didn’t realize that our pregnant mother was upstairs changing diapers, cooking meals, washing floors, cleaning windows, vacuuming, and doing everything else that goes along with being a mom.
Speaking of Mom, she happened to be in town with Dad to pick up my brother David from school, so they came over just in time to have some muffins with us.

And if you were wondering if Tucker is planning to join in the baking anytime soon – he’s too busy enjoying the finer things in life. Like sippy cups and NeNe.