Breakfast at our House
Our mornings usually start out around 7:45 a.m. when I roll out of bed, throw on some clothes and get the boys up. If I’m lucky I even get a shower. If my youngest brother, David is staying with us we drive him to school and then come home and have breakfast.
We take breakfast very seriously at our house. Mostly because I love breakfast food. Our usual breakfast is eggs, bacon (if we have it), and toast with peanut butter and chokecherry jelly. Some days I make pancakes, muffins, or coffee cake and we even have hashbrowns once in a while.
Thankfully, Jackson and Tucker share my love of breakfast and are more than happy to eat eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and toast every morning.
That is, every morning until this morning when Jackson looked at his eggs and said in his saddest voice: “Mama, can I ask you to make supper instead?