Seth worked a short day while I finished up some schoolwork and then we left our two little snotty-nosed angels with Papa and NeNe. They were literally snotty-nosed. They’ve been snotty-nosed for well over a week now. I even brought them to the doctor because they never, never, never get sick and he sent me home saying they just had a little cold and Tucker’s cough was caused by his eye teeth coming in. I think he thought I was crazy for bringing them in, but then again he also spent half of the appointment looking at himself in the mirror. It looks like he was right, because the boys seem to be doing better. But, if he’s wrong and they get worse I will windmill kick him in the face! Then he’ll really have a reason to look in the mirror!
Where were we?
Oh yeah! We were staying about an hour away, so we enjoyed a nice quiet drive just talking with no interruptions. Usually our drives consist of the boys either shrieking with laughter or screaming at each other while hitting me and Seth with toy guns in their attempts to turn the overhead lights on and off. Then, and this is the good part, we went to the MALL and went SHOPPING! It reminded me of when we were dating (the two weeks that we dated…). There was no running to the family bathroom to change diapers and no baby slapping my chest looking for a meal. We just walked around. I looked at clothes and Seth held my purse. I pointed out clothes that I liked and he told me to get whatever I wanted. Swoon. I got 6 squares of fudge at Scheels.
We didn’t feel like dressing up for supper, so we went to TGI Friday and then got some coffee and went shopping again. This time Seth was getting me a Wii Fit as an early birthday present (am I spoiled or what?). We looked at a couple of places without any luck until a customer at Target told us that Toys R Us had them. They had already closed for the night by then, so we decided to go to a late movie.
We went to Gran Torino and let me tell you: I have no idea how Clint Eastwood didn’t get an award for that movie. It might be his best performance ever. Although, I would probably say that about every movie he’s in.
Edit: Oops! Gran Torino didn’t win an Oscar because, as one of my friends kindly pointed out, it didn’t come out until 2009! The sad part is that I even watched the Oscars for the first time this year and I could have sworn that it was nominated. Shows you how much I remember. 🙂 Anyway, I will now predict that Clint Eastwood will win best director for Gran Torino and at least be nominated for best actor. If he isn’t, and a bunch of kids hopping around singing something like, “Jai Ho” win I’ll probably have a hissy fit.
Then, we went back to our hotel room (the junior suite!) and stayed up until 2 watching some stupid Alec Baldwin movie that neither of us had ever heard of. The best part was that we got to sleep through the night in a king size bed. Tucker usually ends up in bed with us around 1 or 2 in the morning and then wakes me up to nurse off and on for the rest of the night, so an uninterrupted night’s sleep is a luxury. Jackson makes an appearance once in a while as well. Let’s just say a queen size is no match for two little boys who like to sleep sideways.
After sleeping in until 9:00 (!). We checked out of our hotel and went to Toys R Us. We got our Fit and a free skiing game! We ate at Chipotle (mmmmmm!) and then went to Scheel’s to look at steel shot. Rachel and Nic were there with the ever adorable R. which made me miss the boys in the worst way. Did I mention that I didn’t bring my pump? Tucker doesn’t nurse as much as he used to, but I was really starting to feel it by then. So we picked up the boys and went home to try our Fit and find out our “Wii age”. Seth was a year younger than his real age of 26, my brother David was his exact age of 15, and I was 36. The next day I was 41. Seth knew what he was doing when he got me that Fit. Looks like I need it!
If anyone needs me, I’ll be working out.