If I don’t post some pictures soon the world might not find out that my sister, Tina is sporting her second, small baby bump!
Or that I actually have some pictures of my brother, Andrew, who Jackson refers to as simply “Uncle”.

The world might even miss out on two cousins calm, yet determined in their quest to gain control of all the toys.

They might even miss out on Tucker impressing Eddy’s girlfriend, Bethany with his mad baseball skilz.

What about this picture of four cousins?
Have you seen anything cuter lately?

You might soon.
Wait for it…
Wait for it…

Okay, now you have.
(Sorry Eddy, I couldn’t help it. Bwahhhaaaahaaa!!!!)
Then, there’s this.

Need I say more?
I think G. is probably happy that I’ve finally gotten around to posting some pictures.
…If her smile is any judge of that.
She would be even more proud of me if she knew that I spent all of today doing schoolwork, raking gravel out of the ditch, staining the deck, and raking the leaves.
Um…about those leaves…they were from last fall when I put pumpkins on the deck and then decided that I really didn’t care about their fate. Never mind that I went to work every evening after Seth got off work, so we weren’t home together at the same time. I could still have brought the boys outside with me during the day while I raked.
Maybe that the last time I counted the oak trees in our yard I came up with a number somewhere around 999,999,999 made raking seem futile at best. At any rate, I decided that I would just wait and see what happened if I didn’t rake.
Guess what. The leaves multiplied. So today I gave in and raked…and raked…and raked. If you look in my backyard, you can’t even tell. It’s still covered in oak leaves.
And what does Mr. Remykins think of my sudden burst of industriousness?
He is less than impressed.
In fact, he is quite appalled.
One might go as far as to say, thoroughly disgusted with me.

Yes, R., I would rather lounge around on the floor with you than rake leaves any day. I’ll probably be so sore in the morning that I won’t be able to get off the floor, so give me a call.