I don’t have many before pictures of what the house looked like inside and out when we bought it because most of those were taken in our pre-digital camera days and I am waaaaaaay too lazy to dig through photo albums and scan them all. They are already packed up and the thought of digging through tubs with Jackson and Tucker “helping” me just doesn’t sound very fun at all.
In light of that, I have more after pictures than before pictures, but who really cares? It’s just fun to look at someone else’s house, isn’t it?
On a side note, see the deck? We put that on two years ago to replace the little room on stilts that used to be tacked onto the side of the house. Seriously. It was a little room on stilts. The day Seth dismantled that room was one of the happiest moments of my life.

I touched up the trim around the windows the same day that Seth and Dale installed the new front door. Translation: we never actually painted the trim around the upstairs windows on the house or on the back of the garage when we painted 3 years ago. Yes, 3 years have passed in which I have been forced to crop those upper windows out of pictures because I was much too vain to show them and much too lazy/pregnant to paint them.
Our realtor asked some other realtors to walk through the house last Thursday and tell us if they saw anything we should change. They told us to paint the basement a lighter shade of green. Apparently, the dark color was cramping their style. Happy to oblige, we slapped some paint on the walls over the weekend.


Seth wheeled and dealed Dale and Collette out of a fridge, so now all of our appliances are the same color. Our old one still worked great (which is why we could never justify getting a new one), so we were able to give it to one of Seth’s coworkers which spared us the hassle of trying to sell or dispose of it somehow.

The living room has gone through the most color changes in the time that we have lived here.
It was white when we moved in so I decided that it needed some color. Note to self: after one coat of dark primer and five coats of red paint you should have realized that something was wrong.
Tina, Jackson, & Rachel
After being underwhelmed by the red, we had a little stint with some nacho cheese colored paint. Note to self: Please stop using color.



Last, but not least, is our upstairs bathroom. When we moved in there was wallpaper shredding from the walls and a pipe sticking out of the wall for a shower, so we did a quick-fix to make the bathroom usable and then never looked at it again.
Note to self: Please, please, stop using color.
Seth and Jackson


What is now our office and the room where I keep everything that I don’t want the boys to get into was originally Jackson’s room. Jackson eventually moved into our old guest room and Tucker just moved out of our room last week into the bedroom that we had when Dale and Collette lived with us.

Now that you’ve had a chance to ogle our house, what do you think?