Jackson turned 3 on Friday, so we celebrated by having some friends and family over for spaghetti and cake.
Here’s Jack with his BFF G.
Tucker was busy working his charms on Grandma Lillyand R. was busy keeping an eye on the stove

Jackson was only interested in opening his first present which was a Thomas laptop from Tim, Leah, and their girls. He wasn’t interested in opening any more after that, so G. and I took over the task of opening them for him 🙂

My favorite gift was the Cat Ballou DVD. Jackson happens to like that movie as much as I do. Maybe someday he’ll be able to recite every line and sing every song too. I can only hope.

The only thing that could distract Jackson from the Thomas laptop was the Wii gun. Unfortunately, the game didn’t work well and the gun was really hard to use, so we returned it and got another game and a smaller gun instead.

And finally, here’s Jackson checking out hisSpongeBob cake. We put a candle on it, but every time we lit it he blew it out before we could take a picture.

I can’t believe that he’s already 3! People weren’t joking when they told me that kids grow up fast!


4 replies on “Jackson’s Birthday Party”

  1. Did you tell Jackson that you gave him that name so that you could say “Oh Jackson” like Cat Ballou does? I honestly have no idea if that is why you gave him that name but it probably isn’t far from the truth!

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