This is Tucker.
His favorite song is the B-I-B-L-E and he likes to give hugs and say “I love you”.
He seems innocent enough.
Tucker has a little secret, though.
He swears like a sailor.

Okay, not intentionally, but most of the words coming out of his mouth sound pretty awful. So much so that Seth has started to ask me if I swear around the kids. Let me give you a little sampling of what I mean.
The obvious: Shirt= Sh-t
Finger= F–ker
Fingernail= F–ker ale
Trailblazer= P-sser (seriously)
Juice= Douche (I think this one’s pretty universal among small children)
Jackson= Shack Sh-t
The most disturbing one is probably:
Breakfast= F–kfest
This list has barely scratched the surface of Tucker’s vocabulary, but you get the picture. I’m afraid to take him out in public. It’s hard enough to hang onto two small boys who want to run in opposite directions and refuse to sit in a cart, but if I were to bring him into the grocery store, I’m afraid that Grocery Store Guy would never recover.
So, don’t let those angelic looks deceive you.
You might be disappointed.


3 replies on “He Said What?”

  1. LOL!
    My son sounds the same way – I just look at him and say “yes, that IS a truck” when people are looking at me like I’ve raised a screaming, swearing hellion! 🙂

  2. My nieces also have had some similar situations in their younger years.

    One of my favorites (not QUITE as shocking as Tucker’s) was the eldest…”Grandpa, I know what kind of dog that is! It’s a DAMNATION!”

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