I found a job, but it was a little more difficult to find childcare. Before I knew that Collette was coming, my sweet brother Eddy who is being laid off from his construction job for the winter offered to either come out and watch the boys himself or pay for their daycare, so that I wouldn’t have to. What a sweetheart!

Collette got here last night and I left for work around 7 this morning. Jackson was still sleeping, but Tucker was up and not too impressed with the fact that I was going somewhere without him.
Yes, that is a coffee filter on Tucker’s head.
Don’t judge him. He likes it.
Besides, he’s really got it rough while I’m at work. He has to play with NeNe and Jackson all day, go for walks, and play with his cousins. Rough, I know.
I’m not sure if Jackson even noticed my abscence.
He was probably too busy playing Wii and tyring to sculpt his newly shorn locks into a mohawk. He’s all about the mohawks. Overall, it was a pretty good day. Once Seth gets home we can get into a routine and the boys will hopefully get used to me being gone. Until then, they’re in good hands with Grandma. Speaking of Seth; I miss him. Whaaaaaaaa!

2 replies on “Back to Work”

  1. I am so happy you like your job! By the way I LOVE Jackson’s haircut. I envy him so much, those long eyelashes and the fact that no matter what length his hair is, it always looks spectacular. *Sigh* Its just not fair!

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