Remember how the boys spilled nearly an entire bottle of flocking on the carpet and bedspread in our room while I was washing windows in the living room?

Well, I was going to post a picture of my cleanup job, but our severe separation anxiety suffering dog, Pike, had another little job that he thought you might enjoy more.
At least he only got Seth’s side of the dresser.
And the white bathroom rug. And the the cabinet. And the door.
While I cleaned it up, the boys stole my camera and broke out their squirt guns in an attempt to film their own action shots.
When I finished picking up all of the poo and soaking the carpet with cleaner, Tucker ran past yelling, “Mommy! I did poop chicken!”
Poop sucks.

5 replies on “Why I Hate Carpet”

  1. Pike never had this problem until we moved. Once he was housetrained he never had any accidents. I’ve been trying to find some information on separation anxiety and it sounds like some dogs get so worried when they are left alone that they do it to relieve their stress. Scolding them when you come home only makes it worse because they are already upset about you leaving and about what they did while you were gone. I try to just ignore him for a while when we get home and right before we leave to go somewhere, but it isn’t working very well. Grrr.

  2. Oh Anna! I wish I was close because your life sounds about as chaiotic as mine can be at times. And…I only have 1 crazy boy and his crazy little sister.

    Our dog has separation anxiety too – we have to leave him in a crate when we leave or we end up with the poo (I agree completely that chewing them out only will make worse) and our mini-blinds demolished because he’s gone from window to window looking for us.

  3. Molly, I love the comment about the blinds. Ours are completely ruined too – which comes out of our deposit when we move. Isn’t it funny how having that second child more than doubles the chaos? I quit my job in February and Seth is working full time again with a second job in the works so I sometimes feel as though I am all alone, drowning in a sea of diapers, poop, dog hair and kids! Oh well, at least they’re cute 🙂

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