We went fishing on Seth’s day off last week. The first half of our fishing trip consisted of the boys sleeping, Seth fishing, and me sitting in the car with the boys. You know, every girl’s idea of a good time. Right before the boys woke up, Seth caught this trout.

Then he went back down the hill and fished for a loooooooong time without catching anything.
Tucker woke up and we spent some time taking pictures by the road
Until he decided that he would rather be fishing with Daddy.
Pike was down there too, but it didn’t look like he was having as much fun.
If you look closely you can see just how badly he is wishing to be snuggled up in a warm bed instead of standing on some cold rocks. Well Pike, you can’t expect life to be all peaches and cream when you start relieving yourself on the carpet every time you’re left alone! Honestly, I hope this is just a phase – he’s only 6, so it can’t be blamed on old age yet.
When Jackson finally woke up, he was really excited to find out that it was his turn to fish with Daddy.
He tried, he really did.
But I think my screams of “Be careful!”, Don’t stand so close to the edge!”, and “Seth! Get your hands out of your pockets so you can catch him if he falls in the water!” kind of ruined his concentration.
But honestly, I was worried that he would fall in the water.
Who would “fish” him out? Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Seth finally did catch another trout that was immediately claimed by Jackson who proceeded to tell us that he had caught it.
I don’t think Seth minded. After all, it wasn’t exactly anything to brag about!
At our last stop Seth tried to get a picture of the boys and I, but we must have been feeling shy.
Pike didn’t even bother to turn around. Oh well, maybe next time!

2 replies on “Fishing Day”

  1. Your family is so stinkin cute! I miss you guys! O and I do read your posts religiously I just don’t always comment because “someone” complains about the amount of time I use the computer.

  2. I didn’t realize that dogs could actually have unhappy expressions without looking either mad or very sad. You’re right though, Pike had “the look” that said “I don’t want to be here, please tell everyone we need to go home and get warm”. Thanks for blogging.


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