First things first, Tucker got to play Minecraft with DanTDM on Sunday. It totally rocked his world. If you don’t know who DanTDM, you’re probably older than 10 or don’t have children. He’s basically famous for taping himself playing Minecraft and then posting the videos to YouTube. Kids dig that stuff.I’m still going strong on the Ultimate Treadmill Workout book. I take pictures of each workout in the book on the days that I do them and send them to my sister (Shhhhh – don’t tell the author!); partly so that she can do them too and partly to keep me accountable.
1.79 miles on Monday because I’m a rebel and don’t care about reaching perfectly round numbers. I’m not sure what the random drop is in the 5th interval…..maybe looking at my watch or not swinging my arms in a normal cadence that it could detect?
It’s finally beginning to feel like winter and can wear this sweet camo pullover that Seth bought to keep me cozy. Not going to lie, it’s really soft and warm.
Also, I apparently have to prop myself up against a counter to take a grainy picture.
Speaking of winter, we woke up to snow on Tuesday and the boys had a snow day. Seth already had the day off so I worked from home and he went hunting.
A few minutes after he left to hunt, I opened the back door to let Ruger in and couldn’t find him. I searched the house, looking in all the beds, called Seth and asked if he brought Ruger with him with no luck. Turns out, someone left a gate open and he was in the field behind our house trying to play with the neighbor dogs who were just really confused about who he was and where he came from.
After I climbed the fence and collected our wayward dog, Tucker got suited up and went out to sled. Jackson was close behind him, but too quick for a picture. Both boys spent most of the day outside with the neighbor kids enjoying the snow.
No running on Tuesday, but I did run 2.20 miles on Wednesday morning. Forget what I said earlier about round numbers. This one was pretty tough and felt like more work than the others. I’m excited to keep going!
I was planning to go to Pilates this morning but set my alarm for 4:40pm instead of am and missed it. The sad part is that I still pay for the missed class out of the package I bought :(. It’s times like these when I could use a little Trailer Park Boys wisdom from Ray: