After my warm up today, I was supposed to do three sets of running hard for 1 minute followed by a .5 mile recovery between each set and then a 1 mile cool down.
It was quite possibly the slowest tempo run ever. The saddest part was that I felt as though I was running really, really, fast when I was actually creeping along at a snail’s pace. Running in the dark on pure ice does that to a person….
To make up for my slowness, I promptly went on Pinterest when I got home and found a few additional exercises.
As for yesterday, there was no 5 miler in an attempt to make up for the missed one on Tuesday for me. Instead, I did some Tae Bo and a few other exercises.
20 Min. Tae Bo
2 sets of 8 Tricep dips
10 Push ups
1minute plank
Miles: 3.45
Time: 34 Minutes
Pace: 10:04 min/mile
Today’s plan: 1 mile WU; T: 3×1/.5 mile recovery; 1 mile CD
What I did: 1 mile warm up, T: 3×1 with a .5 mile recovery after each (hey, if I’m not actually working on speed, at least I’m getting miles in); 1 mile cool down, and a Pinterest workout (see below).