When I quit my job to stay home after Tucker was born, I started a nap routine for the boys. It was mostly so that I could get some dishes, laundry, and schoolwork done without an interruption and so that they wouldn’t fall asleep at 5:00 p.m. and wake up at 10:00 p.m. ready to stay up until 1:00 a.m.

I don’t remember the last time that Jackson actually took a nap, but I still have him go to his room for a rest time every afternoon. We change his diaper and I ask him if he has to use the potty. His answer is usually a resounding, “No”. Then, we read some stories and snuggle for a little bit before I leave him to “rest”. By the time I’m through washing dishes Tucker wakes up from his nap, we let Jackson out of rest time and the house is in chaos again.

There is a point to this story. Trust me.

Jackson has been getting very upset with me for making him have a rest time. I tell him that it’s rest time and he says, “No! I’m not tired! I’m happy!”

As soon as I leave the room he lays down by the door and starts calling out, “Mama! I’m stuck in the door! Come help me!”

He has figured out how to take his clothes off, so the next thing he does if I don’t let him out is to strip and then yell under the door, “Mama! I take my diaper off!”

Well, last week, I had just finished washing the dishes and was sitting down with my laptop to do some schoolwork when Jackson starts calling under his door.

Jackson: “Mama! I’m stuck in the door!”

Me: “Go to sleep, Jackson.”


Jackson: “Mama! I take my clothes off!”

Me: “I don’t care. Go to sleep.”


Jackson: “Mama! I take my diaper off!”

Me: “Put it back on.”

Jackson: “Mama! I find poop in diaper!”

I’ll spare you the pictures of poop smeared into his carpet and on the cord to his space heater, but here’s a little gem for you.

Look closely at the bottom of the book. It gives a whole new meaning to “touch and feel”, doesn’t it?

2 replies on “A Whole New Meaning”

  1. OH NO…isn’t there something he can do in his room besides strip down and cause trouble? colroing with color wonder markers and paper perhaps?or listenin to books on tape?
    Otherwise just do what I do to G when he won’t nap,park him on the living room couch in front of the movie of his choice,make him lay there quietly and if he gets up he hasta go to his room.

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